
卓越成果写传奇 悬壶济世誉华夏 中国著名中医专家——邢道国


Outstanding achievements to write the legend, hanging pot to help the world reputation in China Famous Chinese Chinese medicine expert —— Xing Daoguo



Once for a doctor, life to save. With the original aspiration, the mission is on the shoulder, Xing Daoguo's busy figure shuttles between the patients, the simple and ordinary into countless wonderful moments.

健康是人类永恒的追求。实施健康中国战略,是从 源头维护人民健康。医学创新是推动国家发展的关键动力。中国医学工作者凭借卓越的智慧、前瞻性的思维创新前沿技术推动着医学进步,为国家的经济增长、社会进步和国民健康做出了巨大贡献。在医学界一个名字总被频繁提及邢道国老师,他正以其深厚的医学科研背景和前瞻性的创新思维,引领着祖国大健康的新方向。让我们一起了解,感动中国医学界最具影响力人物——邢道国老师。

Health is the eternal pursuit of mankind. To implement the Healthy China strategy is to safeguard people's health at the source. Medical innovation is the key driving force for national development. Chinese medical workers promote medical progress with their excellent wisdom, forward-looking thinking and innovative cutting-edge technologies, and have made great contributions to the country's economic growth, social progress and national health. In the medical field, a name is always mentioned frequently. He is leading the new direction of the great health of the motherland with his profound medical scientific research background and forward-looking innovative thinking. Let's learn about —— Xing Daoguo, the most influential person in the Chinese medical field.




Xing Daoguo, born in Tianjin, is the founder of Xing Bao Zhi Bolin meridian Shungutang, acupuncturist of traditional Chinese medicine, senior health care physician, professional food therapy collocation division, director of meridian health technology training base of China National Health Association.


Chinese name: Xing Daoguo.


Gender: male.

国 籍:中国。

Nationality: China.

民 族:汉族。

Ethnic group: The Han nationality.


Birth: Tianjin.


Date of birth: September 29,1978.

职 称:中医师。

Professional Title: Traditional Chinese medicine doctor.


Address: BaoZhilin Health Massage Center, Guanshan Garden, Binhai New Area Free Trade Pilot Zone, Tianjin

邢道国电话: 18222685887

Xing Daoguo Tel.: 18222685887


特色专长Featured expertise

邢道国,经启蒙老师指教,可以灵活运用达摩108手法,结合阴阳、五行、经络、易筋经、一指禅、正脊疗法、调理人体机制功能,达到阴阳平衡,开启人体的自愈功能,让身体得到康复健康。达摩一百零八手法,是中医祖传绝学,是利用中医理论、阴阳平衡及五行相生相克在人体养生、保健调理中的科学性,博采南北名家之长,吸取达摩易筋经优秀手法而创立的。达摩手法运用拨筋、点穴、正骨、配合砭法、针法、炙法、罐法、跷法、导引法、按跷法等六种内病外治的疗法。在治疗颈椎病、肩周炎、腰椎间盘症、四肢疼痛、脏腑经络、男科妇科保养等病症有非常好的疗效。对于处于亚健康的人群亦有成熟的调理方法。达摩手法最大特点:‘短’、 ‘平’、’快’。

Xing Daoguo, through the enlightenment teacher, can flexibly use the Dharma 108 technique, combining Yin and Yang, five elements, meridians, meridians, meridian, one finger Zen, ridge therapy, regulate the human mechanism function, to achieve the balance of Yin and Yang, open the self-healing function of the human body, and let the body get rehabilitation and health. Dharma 108 technique, is the ancestral learning of traditional Chinese medicine, is created by the use of the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, the balance of Yin and Yang and the five elements of the human health and health care, absorbing the strengths of the north and south masters, absorbing the excellent techniques of Dharma tendon. Dharma uses six kinds of internal diseases, including tendon, acupoint, bone correction, correction, needle method, burning method, pot method, seesaw method, guidance method and seesaw method. In the treatment of cervical spondylosis, periarthritis of shoulder, lumbar disc disease, limb pain, viscera and meridians, male gynecological maintenance and other diseases have a very good effect. There are also mature conditioning methods for people in sub-health. The biggest characteristics of the Dharma technique are: 'short', 'flat', 'fast'.


邢氏宝芝林邢道国 论舒筋护脊保健粉——护龙脊(图4)

邢氏宝芝林邢道国 论舒筋护脊保健粉——护龙脊(图3)


Introduction to technique



According to the seesaw ventilation therapy, people live one breath, human body gas walk (bridge) gas machine through the airway rise and circulation! Nature's gas, water and temperature have a continuous transformation to form the universe! The gas, water and temperature in the human body have continued to form life! The unity of nature and man: the universe is the big universe, the human body is the small universe; the change of temperature is an important element of the growth of all things! No temperature all dead also! Temperature determines life —— insulation is equal to the life of Hippocrates, the father of medicine.




Four hundred years ago, the doctors in ancient Greece had suggested that if there was a way to heat up my bones, then I could treat almost every disease. Treasure zhi Lin dragon ridge powder is: warm bone, eliminate cold, moisture, meridians, promoting blood circulation and remove blood stasis, promote the new * xie, blood circulation, improve the body temperature, the sun be the spirit, the best way to immunity, not cure everything, but remove the root of the disease, the human body has the ability of self-healing, body temperature, enhanced immunity, a lot of diseases can cure self-healing.



Baozhi Lin protect dragon ridge using traditional Chinese medicine precision compatibility, using natural water stirring to apply to the skin, the three qi of heaven and earth match


Start natural fever, through the bone, through the body meridians, so as to stimulate the start of the body self-healing function of the body machine secret: Chinese medicine: viscera is not hot, cold poison is not out, western medicine: temperature rises one, immunity three times.


夏天已逝,秋天已至,此时用百草香灸,升温补阳,排湿祛寒 散淤化结,必然事半功倍!

Summer has passed, autumn has come, at this time with Baicao fragrance moxibustion, warming Yang, clearing damp remove cold scattered silt knot, is bound to get twice the result with half the effort!


As the saying goes: the disease comes like a mountain, to the disease such as silk, for all chronic disease patients, encountered grass fragrant moxibustion, like in a dark night met a lamp in the distance, suddenly doubled confidence. Baicao fragrant moxibustion comes from the fragrance therapy, is hypertherapy + internal moxibustion, from the root purification of body fluids, blood, lymph, cell internal and external fluid, moxibustion living cells, improve human immunity and antiviral ability, so that people achieve the highest realm of not sick, no aging, end without disease!



What is protecting the dragon's ridge?


[Dragon's spine] The Chinese nation is known as the descendant of the dragon, and the spine is the dragon vein of human beings, so it is called the dragon's spine.


[Dragon ridge] is to protect the dragon ridge to lock the Yang of the dragon vein spine, so it is called to protect the dragon ridge lock Yang.



The role of protecting the dragon ridge:


The core of protecting the dragon's ridge is to regulate people's constitution, to regulate the negative constitution into positive constitution, fundamentally solve the physical problems, to achieve the effect of curing the disease, positive constitution without all diseases.


Composition and efficacy of dragon ridge protection


The dragon protection ridge consists of two parts



1. Chinese medicine powder


Picking natural Chinese herbal medicine, according to the natural energy of Chinese herbal medicine and day compatibility, powder.


Use with warm water into a paste, and then apply to the dragon ridge, apply the width of three fingers or three and a half fingers, cover the dragon ridge can be.



2. Hot compress.


Choose the hot compress belt with temperature regulation function, generally hot compress for 40 minutes, and people with chronic disease can be hot compress for 50 minutes, the time should not be too long


The heat source penetrates the energy of traditional Chinese medicine into the viscera and bones, discharges the moisture, cold and evil qi from the body, and locks the Yang qi.

护龙脊的功效:Efficacy of protecting the dragon ridge:


1, upper focus (heart and lung)


Protect the dragon ridge cardiopulmonary cold, moisture, evil gradually discharge, sun be the spirit gradually germinal and locked at the same time, caused by the heart and a series of symptoms, such as: mouth tongue sores, tooth marks, cracks, oral cavity, dry mouth, dry mouth, bitter mouth, bad breath, retching, retching, heart heat, chest tightness, flustered, palpitations, heart attack, arrhythmia, head sweating, pharyngitis, throat foreign body feeling, asthma, yellow, dark, etc., according to the degree of physical conditioning, automatically improved.



2, medium coke (spleen and stomach)


Protect the dragon ridge in the spleen and stomach cold, moisture, evil gradually discharge, sun be the spirit gradually germinal and locked at the same time, caused by the spleen and stomach wet cold evil and a series of symptoms, such as: picky, anorexia, no hunger, stomach, stomach pain stomach, indigestion, thin, fat, sleep, sleep, sleep, wake up, sleep not to the symptoms improved significantly. The corresponding reaction is that people will have a sense of hunger, appetite, not picky about food, eat food incense, and sleep greatly improved, and nature more and more with the same frequency, work and rest began to have regular.


3, Lower coke (liver and kidney)


Protect dragon ridge will liver and kidney cold, moisture, evil gradually discharge, sun be the spirit gradually germinal and locked at the same time, caused by the liver and kidney cold a series of symptoms, such as: stool is not forming, sticky toilet, urine, night, Yin itching, leg edema, waist, tired, fear of cold, memory, forgetfulness, eyes, dry, fuzzy, vision, fundus hemorrhage, black circles, heavy eyes, easy cramps, cold hands and feet, dysmenorrhea, infertility, menstrual disorders, symptoms such as knee pain, according to the physical conditioning degree, automatically improved.



[Principle of protecting the dragon ridge]


1, a Yin a Yang is called the way, positive physical diseases do not invade.


2. The spine is the dragon vein of people, and the dragon vein is prosperous with qi transport, and qi transport is related to qi and Yang. Qi and blood flourishing, spirit and spirit is sufficient, ten drops of blood, a drop of essence, the spine, the brain will be sufficient, so as to produce wisdom, showing the representation of good hair quality.

3,通过护龙脊,锁阳气,脊柱归位不侧弯,不压迫神经,挂在脊柱上的五脏六腑各司其职,良性运转,从而吸引天地之阳气,从根本上解决体质问题,达到治未病的效果,百病不侵 。就是温热骨骼;排出寒气、湿气、通经络、活血化瘀、促进新陈代谢和血液循环,提升阳气和人体的体温,是提高免疫力最好的方法!


3, by protecting the dragon's ridge, lock Yang, the spine does not scoliosis, do not compress the nerve, hanging on the spine of the viscera to perform their duties, benign operation, so as to attract the Yang of heaven and earth, fundamentally solve the physical problems, to achieve the effect of treating diseases, all diseases do not invade. Is warm bone; discharge cold, moisture, meridians, blood circulation and blood stasis, promote metabolism and blood circulation, improve Yang qi and human body temperature, is the best way to improve immunity! Do not cure all diseases, but remove the root cause of all diseases, mobilize the human body's ability to heal itself,The body temperature has increased! The meridians are dredged! The blood has been purified! Immunity has increased! Many diseases can heal from themselves untreated!


Clinical academic


Xing Daoguo, founder of the meridian, human skin, bones, viscera correction local disease, overall treatment; physical disease, invisible treatment; lowering three Yang, through the six viscera; raising three Yin, filling five viscera with qi and blood circulation, liver, spleen, lung and kidney; eating and drinking is the root of our body and life, back to the five viscera, in the "typhoid theory" is called three Yin. The law of heaven and earth is recognized by the main qi and politeness.



First of all, ask where uncomfortable, distension, pain, halo, vomiting, blush, feel tired, sweating, by asking the symptoms, these symptoms and what gas corresponding. What gas you have to determine the interface, this interface is "typhoid fever and miscellaneous diseases" three Yin three Yang. After the gas and interface are determined, you should choose to grasp the main contradiction, where you fight this battle. A typhoid fever theory, 397 method is only two methods: protect stomach qi to save kidney qi; Yangming Shaoyin combined but three parties (zhongqi, camp health, viscera), all diseases are this qi from the disease. The qi is strong, evil from heat, real; is three Yang disease, the weak, evil from deficiency, cold, is three Yin disease. The gallbladder drops, under the fire, Yang root deep. Do not understand people and treat people's disease, what is a disease! Who is sick?



see a patient!see a patient! Do not see a doctor and see a doctor, have no heart; do not know what is a disease and diagnose a disease, have no mind, will not cure a disease, misdiagnosis, accidental treatment, blind treatment, and do not know the disease, how many also!


Opening the forehead is the doctor's ideological dimension, the happy door is the doctor's cognition of the disease, opening the pulse door is the doctor's perception of life! Understand the true meaning of life, to unlock the mystery of the occurrence, development and return of the disease! Do not understand the true meaning of life, study medicine more learn more, more learn more chaos, more learn more difficult!




Study medicine difficult, difficult in, too much, too much disease, too much law... branches and leaves learn more. And don't understand man is a whole, gas, only a piece of meat, blood vessels only one, bone is just a shelf, the viscera only one gas, six fu only one... the disease but three types, patients only two kinds, only one... the world unknown, some thought clever people invented eighty-four thousand disease, eighty-four thousand, eighty-four thousand, pseudo academic, indifference between experts, clinical method set of disease, in a single therapy, even ineffective treatment, excessive treatment, how disorderly also!



There are two major diseases in medicine: one is called a functional disease, and the other is called an organic disease. What call function: eat and drink pull scatter sleep, action sit and walk, tempted to read is the function of the human body. What is called organ: skin, flesh and bones, heart, liver, spleen, lung and kidney, the formation of tangible "pathology, lesions". Seemingly very complex, in fact, pathology, lesions are no more than different parts of the "pit package concave". We can improve the tangible "disease, pathology, lesions" through the invisible air machine lifting and energy handling.


Treatment is not difficult, difficult to cure what?





Does leg pain cure leg? Does low back pain cure waist? Does bones and bones disease treat bones and bones? Does heart disease cure heart? Does lung disease cure lung? Does the viscera disease treat the viscera? Take bone case as an example: Bone disease is not bone disease, bone, bone, bone pain, bone..... guilty also! Bone is just a shelf, bone and bone harmony, bones and bones, bone support, muscle force, combined for strength! Bone dislocation, degeneration, hyperplasia, protrusion, stenosis, cavity, necrosis... disease in the bone, because in the meat, root in the viscera qi machine lift...! Bone has no disease and cure bone, who is sick! Bone dislocation is the best balance between tendon and bone! The energy of muscles and bones comes from the viscera, a single conditioning muscles and bones and do not understand the fall dirty, the curative effect can have a bit, the patient is "cured", or "cured" destroyed! Life is the process of the synthesis, decomposition and release of energy!viscera synthesis energy, perfusion meridians, through the skin opening and closing release... at the beginning of the disease in the meridians, the performance of muscle pain (minor disease); long disease into the development of viscera disease (serious disease)..



When the flesh and bones send out a distress signal, do you treat the disease, or the disease... do you treat the bones, or the viscera... when the bones and bones disease, viscera disease each other cause and effect, miscellaneous and disease, vegetation medicine is adhering to the overall view: qi machine ~ pipeline ~ fill energy! Heure, equal to long cure, self-healing, equal to natural and more! TCM is holistic, dynamic, intangible..!


Bao Zhi Lin meridian shun bone hall to invisible tangible, to dynamic static...!



Tangible pathology and lesions come from invisible energy circulation disorder; by changing the disease survival space and environment! And then to heal the disease by itself! A illness, let us understand that the most important thing in this life, not money, not fame and wealth, not status, but health! An epidemic makes us understand that the epidemic is a great enemy, and the big army and the TCM army needs to be equipped with great tools in order to fight the epidemic more quickly, more effectively and more accurately. A retrograde, let us understand that the national medical workers and the majority of the police, silent dedication, it is their hard core attack, step by step, coupled with the active cooperation of the people of the virus to heaven, no way, no way to escape. The magical Chinese medicine and green Chinese medicine let you and me "doctors" to show the feelings of a big country, and convey the news and positive energy of the common fight against the epidemic. May the world be safe, human corning!


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